Category Archives: Uncategorized


Essential Facts About Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is a prevalent health issue among men, with significant implications for early detection and treatment. Understanding key facts about prostate cancer can help in managing and reducing risks associated with the disease. Here are some critical poin...
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World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day World cancer day is a global event which takes place every year on 4 February to make aware the normal people about the cancer disease and the risk factors that can cause cancer and the various preventive measures one can take to avoid the killer cancer disease. Cancer is the number...
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about cancer treatment

What to Eat When You Have Cancer?

What you eat is important when you have cancer. There is no single superfood or special diet that can prevent or cure cancer. Rather, a holistic dietary approach is likely to be most beneficial. Your body needs enough calories and nutrients to stay strong when undergoing treatment. But the disease c...
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Oral, Head, and Neck Cancer

As the name suggests, these cancers affect the head and neck areas of the body. The peculiarity of these cancers is that they are easily preventable and highly treatable if caught early. The most common causes are Human papillomavirus (HPV) and alcohol and tobacco use. Here’s more about these canc...
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Breast Cancer Awareness

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in Indian women. Around 14% of cancer in women is due to breast cancer and the percentage is higher in urban cities than in rural India. Early diagnosis and treatment continue to prove crucial in saving lives. Early diagnosis is possible only with r...
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Can you survive lung cancer?

If you or your loved one is recently diagnosed with lung cancer, the first question that may come to your mind is how one can survive lung cancer? Lung cancer is one of the most often diagnosed cancer. Worldwide, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths. So, it’s important to unde...
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